04 March 2015

Weigh-in Wednesday: March 4th

I know, I haven't posted a Weigh-in Wednesday in a few weeks.   February has been an all around tough month.   I did go to all my weekly Weight Watchers meeting except one on the 18th because I was out of town on a girl's trip with my mom and sister.    

Overall I've gained 1.8 pounds in 4 weeks.  That number probably would have been higher if I had weighed in tonight but I just couldn't bring myself to step on that scale.   Knowing deep down I didn't feel good about my week or how my body was reacting to it. 

This go around at losing weight has been the hardest to date.   What's ironic is that I've never stuck with Weight Watchers as consistently as I have (been a loyal member since Sept.3rd 2014)  I've never tried to be more active as I have in the last 6 months and it's a bummer to have done all this work and only have 12 or 13 pounds to show for it.  Now don't get it twisted, it's not like I joined a gym or anything and have been doing 2 spin classes a week and am complaining about not getting good results.   But for myself and my lifestyle, this is the most consistent I've been compared to the past. 

After my last post on February 4th  I did go out and purchase a FitBit.  I love it.  It has made me more aware of my daily steps or lack of daily steps. I have a few people I'm friends with on FitBit and we've done some challenges together.  I find myself walking around in circles in my kitchen to get in extra steps, or even marching in place in front of the TV.  Which by the way, I totally made fun of my WW leader for doing and here now I'm admitting to doing myself (Sorry Cathy).    It makes it fun, we can chat, taunt or cheer for each other through the app. It really has helped.  I even went out in this frigid weather and walked to get in more activity.   Did I mention I CANNOT wait for Spring to get here?   Not even wishing for 75 degree weather yet, just having it be above freezing or maybe 40 degrees for more then one day would be nice!?   

Do you have a FitBit?  Want to connect?  You can add me via email, tinavandeusen@gmail.com


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